About ELearning
What are the benefits of elearning (self learn) courses ?
For Individuals
The current global pandemic has shone a light on the need for online training and will act as a catalyst for revolutionising the educational industry. The post pandemic trend of the “Great Resignation” or the “Great Reassessment” has now created many oppurtunities for individuals.
Whether you are a student, working professional, unemployed or looking to make career change or transition, the need for upskilling, re-training or further education becomes paramount. You can learn new skills and get certified all from the compfort of your home. New careeer directions and opportunites can now become an attainable goal while maintaining a work life balance.
Geographic reach
Online training courses can be taken anytime, anywhere. The only requirement is a reliable internet connection. Making time during your coffee breaks at work, sitting on your couch and taking online courses instead of watching television, and listening to audio/video files while travelling to and from work are some of the ways online training courses can be taken up. This ensures flexibility in terms of time and effort.
Mobility and Accessibility
Thinking of taking a course while travelling? eLearning is now literally in your pockets.
Cost effectiveness and Availability
Through online training, courseware, reference materials and notes can be saved on your hard drive or “in the cloud” (eg: EZY Skills online learning platform) for easy access anytime anywhere and can be viewed multiple times without limit.
The cost of purchasing hardcopy and/or printing is greatly reduced.
Online courses are extremely cost-effective and can be utilized efficiently.
Practise and Information Retention
Online courses on the other hand, help trainees retain and remember information with attractive images, videos, legible fonts, movie clips, animated descriptions, and more. Real-life examples are also given to explain concepts better. Displaying information in well-crafted ways lead to better understanding of learning content more than taking notes with pen and paper.
Another advantage is that learner / trainers can always come back and revisit course content at any time to improve information retention and knowledge.