Better Business CasesTM Foundation Course
This Better Business Cases™ Foundation course is structured around the UK Five Cases Model, which provides a disciplined, step-by-step approach to the development of a robust investment proposal.
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Who should enroll?
This course is designed for those leading, managing and supporting organisational investment change initiatives, such as:
This course is aimed at anyone overseeing, a project or investment to understand the work that is necessary to prove a case for investment
Senior Responsible Officers (SROs), Senior Managers and Executives, Investment Portfolio Managers, Investment Advisers, Business Consultants
Programme Directors and Project Managers, with responsibility for the successful delivery of programmes and projects
Directors of Finance, Procurement and Planning, with responsibility for the forward planning of operational aspects of an investment proposal
Members of the Management Board (Chairman, non-executives, the CEO and other directors), with strategic responsibility for approving investment proposals throughout their life span.
Anyone wishing to round out their resume with a formal internationally recognised business case certification.
This foundation course will
Teach the philosophy and underlying rationale of the BBC Five Cases Model, as well as the structure and key terminology of the model
Teach you about the different types of business case, their purpose, who is responsible for them and when they are required in the development of a spending proposal
Enable you to develop a business case in relation to other recognized and recommended best practice for programme and project management
Teach you the approaches to implementation and the factors to consider in sustaining progress of an investment proposal
There are no prerequisites for the course, however some exposure to business cases would be useful.
Candidates for the Practitioner exam must have previously passed the Foundation exam.
Course content
The terms and concepts relating to the Five Cases Model
How the Strategic Case is developed; the steps and the responsibilities involved
How the Economic Case is developed; the steps and the responsibilities involved
The terms and concepts of the Commercial Case
The terms and concepts of the Financial Case
The terms and concepts of the Management Case
Purpose of the key stages in the development and delivery of a spending (investment) proposal
Purpose of a Strategic Outline Programme Case and in what circumstances it should be considered
Purpose of a Business Justification Case and in what circumstances it should be considered
Purpose of a Strategic Outline Case
Purpose of an Outline Business Case
Responsibilities for the business planning process
Relationship with best practice programme and project management methodologies
Relationship between policies, strategies, programmes and projects and their deliverables
Course Outline
Information Sessions
- About the course
- About the exams
- Contact and Support
- Tour of the eLearning interface
Course Modules
- The Context of Business Cases
- Overview of BBC™
- The Five Cases Model
- Types of Business Cases
- The Business Case Development Lifecycle
- The Options Framework
- Strategic Assessment
- Scoping a Scheme
- Planning a Scheme
- Procuring a Scheme
- Applying BBC to Programmes
- Course closure
Exam Preparation
- Foundation Exam Guidance
- Foundation Exam Simulator
Professional Development
Successful completion of this course may entitle you to credits in various professional development programmes:
- For AIPM CPD points, click here
- For PMI PDU’s, click here
Certification Exams
The Foundation Exam is a 40-minute closed-book multiple-choice exam. You must get at least 25 of the 50 questions correct to pass.
The examination is conducted by APMG, subject to their terms and conditions.
EZY Skills will book your examinations with APMG who will then contact you by email and ask you to register in their candidate system. They will also let you know how to schedule the date and time you wish to take your examination.
Your course fee allows for a “one-time” sitting at the examination. Please be aware that if you schedule an examination with APMG but do not take that examination as scheduled, APMG will charge you an additional fee for the examination. You cannot reschedule a missed examination until this additional fee has been paid.
Reference Manual
Each Foundation course is self-contained; the reference manual is available as a PDF document as part of this course.
Total Cost
Includes the AMPG Certification Examination Fee
This foundation course will
Teach you the philosophy and underlying rationale of the Five Cases Model, as well as the structure and key terminology of the model
Teach you the different types of business cases, their purpose, who is responsible for them and when they are required in the development of a spending (investment) proposal
Teach you the development of the business case in relation to other recognized and recommended best practice for programme and project management
Approaches to implementation and the factors to consider in sustaining progress of your spending (investment) proposal
Follow-on Courses
We recommend that those who have completed the Foundation course should move on to the BBC Practitioner course as soon as possible, while their knowledge of BBC remains fresh.